
Friday, August 29, 2014

How to Meet Nutrition in Children?

Our bodies need a variety of nutrients to maintain balance function. Surely it must be the intake of nutrients that enter the body. Because the body can not produce all of their own nutrients. Even if there are nutrients in small amounts. The body is getting the minerals and nutrients will make the body become better again. But in today's era require all the nutrients at once with intake of natural foods will be difficult. For fulfillment has many mineral products, nutrients, vitamins are used to reduce the gap malnutrition in the world.

The Right Vitamins For Children Needs

If for adult needs, you can read it on this website. Because we were already quite full discussion about vitamins for the needs of adults. With the right dose either by natural or by consumption of multivitamin use. According to the USDA research institutions in the United States vitamin vitamins for children that need some minerals such as calcium, and vitamin E and zinc must be met. Because the need is less than 2/3 standard requirements. In addition, some of the children studied had vitamin D deficiency as well so it has a more fragile bones that result in children is difficult to rest, then problems in cognitive development and also the body's immunity so susceptible to disease.

Then how the fulfillment of vitamins for children? The best way is still to use natural food sources. Where is it better than the synthetic vitamin or multivitamin. Even if you choose to provide vitamin supplements to your child, choose with recommended by your doctor. Where doctors give vitamin supplements that have been deemed to meet the needs of your child vitamins that are easily digested in the gastrointestinal tract. Some of the ads on TV that gives children, especially vitamin supplements are relatively cheap. Though not necessarily in a multivitamin that is free from harmful chemicals such as mercury. But the price is advisable to consult your doctor if you are more expensive than you think. But it's better for the health of your child.

This avoided the need for you to provide a multivitamin for children is to consider the composition of the multivitamin itself. Various generic product has a composition containing excessive chemicals such as artificial sweeteners and other synthetic materials. Because in addition to bad for the health of the child's body, artificial sweeteners can be a cause of damage to children's teeth.

Right Supplements for Children

Right supplements for children at least contain some vitamins in a single supplement. Then have the essential fatty acids, and there are minerals calcium, magnesium and vitamin D, supplemented with antibiotics and antioxidants. Another consideration for you who want to meet the nutritional needs of children are more likely to consume natural foods. As you meet the needs of essential fatty acids by eating fish more often. Then if you have a child in the habit of consumption of carbonated drinks is better to meet the needs that have been mentioned previously to be met. Or your child has an activity that is more often tiring to keep using some of the above supplements requirements.

The use of dietary supplements is not bad for your child. But still provide a natural food source of nutrition in your child. Because dietary supplements are basically just a tool or medium to meet the nutritional needs of your child in order to keep a healthy living. Fill your child's nutritional needs on a regular basis and consult a doctor if your child has health problems.

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Tomato Soup to Reduce Hypertension

The latest news from the health world. Tomato soup that can contribute to cases of hypertension. This has been published in the journal of media nutrient metabolism and cardiovascular disease, the researchers Alexander Medina, from the Department of Nutrition and Bromatology Faculty of Pharmacy and Food and Nutrition Torribera UB Campus. He stated that hypertension is a common problem in society, affecting at least about 25% of world population and is the main factor leading cause of death in people in Europe and America. Then the new facts that have been published involving at least 4000 individuals were analyzed on a Mediterranean diet tend to be high-risk populations of developing cardiovascular disease as well as prevent the disease.

Fixing Diet and Improve Health

In the recommended consumption of tomato soup that contained tomatoes, cucumber, garlic, olive oil and others can reduce the pressure on the arteries. Alexander said that apparently tomato soup with content as it may reduce symptoms of hypertension in a person. According to Rosa M. Lamuela professor in charge of group research revealed that the consumption of salt in everyday circumstances that can cause an unstable arteries. Then in the tomato soup, some recipes abortion effect on arterial pressure in the body. However, a positive fact reveals that consuming tomato soup causes lower blood pressure than those not consuming tomato soup. On the grounds that the bioactive elements of tomato soup counteract the effect of salt into the body.

Vitamin C, polyphenols, and Carotene

If notice of tomato soup recipe, there are some content which is considered soups contain vitamin C, polyphenols, and carotenoids. According to Alexander that the tomato soup is very rich in vitamins C and polyphenols. It is very good in large quantities for healthy cardio system or your heart. With a sense, mix the tomato soup recipe is very important in its contribution to reducing the impact of stress on the vessel arterti caused by salt. Other researchers also checked using statistical techniques to determine the extent of consumption of tomato soup can reduce the risk of hypertension. According to Alexander Medina that in some patients, decrease hypertension using this tomato soup can be up to 27%.

This study was continued, with the hope that polyphenols can take an important role in the mechanism of action of reduced pressure in the arteries. Where the process is associated with an increase in nitric oxide is a molecule with vasodilating properties on the cardiovascular system. This is what will be the development of a very eagerly awaited in the science of cardiovascular disease and hypertension treatment. This has been reinforced by the ongoing research in the Department of Nutrition and Bromatology of UB, Food Technology Reference Clean Government of Catalonia (XARTA) and Nutrition and Food Safety Research Institute (INSA-UB). CIBER research group are also members of the network physiopathology Obesity and Nutrition (CIBERobn) and RETICS, from the Carlos III Institute of Health.

So what exactly are the benefits of vitamin C for the body? In addition to recent studies that have been discussed above, there are other benefits of vitamin C for a healthy body. Ie as the common cold reliever. Then keep the body's immune system. Then as a good enough antioxidants counteract free radicals. Treating cataracts, maintain healthy skin, to prevent the risk of cancer. In addition, associated with hypertension that vitamin C healthy cardiovascular system as well as maintaining healthy pregnancy for pregnant women. For that consume vitamin C, especially above the tomato soup recipe to keep your hypertension.

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The Content of Vitamins In Tea

Many underestimate this tea. Often the tea was not served with the right dose. So sometimes the taste of tea no sugar and only taste alone. However, it turns out, in tea, contained vitamins. It can nourish your body of course.

What Are Vitamin Contained in Tea?

Many people only know the efficacy of tea because it is able to relax the body. As well as being a sedative when his drink was relaxing with family. But with the right dose, it turns tea contains vitamins that can be absorbed by the body. The content of vitamins in tea vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin C and beta-carotene. Keep in mind, this is usually because the tea we drink is not natural. There is also preserved material. Then also through a long process to be enjoyed which fit into the factory and distributed as well as in the storage process. So that the content of vitamin C and vitamin E tends to decrease drastically. However, its content of vitamin K remains much.

The content of vitamin C of 150-250 mg%. Then vitamin E 25-75 mg%. The content of vitamin K 300-500 UI beta carotene per gram and contained 13-20 mg%. The content of this obviously varies depending on the product / brand and weight. If you are able to buy the original tea leaves freshly picked, the vitamin content is not too much reduced compared with the vitamin content in tea packaging.

Some Benefits of Drinking Tea

In addition to vitamins, mineral content is also contained in tea. So the benefits of tea as a beverage is big enough. Here are some health benefits of tea for the body.
  • Reduce the risk of heart disease. In tea, there are intakes of flavonoids which are substances that prevent a heart disease and the like related to the heart. This substance is a working system to prevent the absorption of cholesterol buildup in blood vessels and the heart. So it is not clogged blood vessels.
  • Lose weight. Weight loss has become a problem, especially for women who tend to pay attention. Tea contains substances which are able to increase the energy of burning as well as proteins and fats resulting in weight can be decreased. Especially if you consume green tea.
  • Prevent diseases associated with bone. Such as osteoporosis. Where the bone loss. Tea contains a substance, where the substance is similar to estrogen helps bones are not experiencing thinning rapidly. It has been demonstrated research in the UK.

From some of the benefits above, it is clear that tea is a healthy drink and healthy to drink. But you have to brush your teeth frequently. Usually for those who consume tea with high density levels can cause brown teeth. Many researchers say drinking tea is not good if accompanied by a meal. Because tea prevents other substances absorbed into the body. For that tea consumption when not eating. If you want to get the benefits of the tea beverage with more leverage, then you can not buy bottled tea manufacturer. Or try the original green tea from Japan. Although helpful, better not be consumed in excess. Dampat side effects did not explain to the maximum, but variations of the drink you drink is also better.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

How to Accelerate Absorption of Vitamin A Supplementation

The reason many capsules of vitamin A supplements on the market due to vitamin A supplement composition is different. Sometimes there is a supplement of vitamin A that is filled by the composition of other vitamins such as vitamin B and vitamin C. There are also absorption of vitamin supplementation is more due to the state of the body so that the acceleration of absorption was impaired. In this article will discuss about how to speed up the absorption of vitamin A supplementation into the body. So there is no vitamin A wasted.

Vitamin A supplements and fatty foods

Supplements of vitamin A also affects the fatty foods. Because fatty foods make vitamin A in the body is also dissolved. If the lack of fatty foods in the daily diet, then the body will be more difficult to absorb vitamin A in the body that has been consumed. Fatty foods are not limited to what we know as the saturated fatty foods and be detrimental. As the milk fat turned out to contain a lot of vitamin A. As in cheese, butter, turned out to be a carrier for vitamin A is good for the body. Of course eating cheese every day in large numbers will make it easier to nausea. So you should eat less fatty foods but still taking supplements of vitamin A.

Vitamin A supplementation with Vitamin E Help

Consuming vitamin A and vitamin E at the same time it can make vitamin A rapidly dissolve and enter the body's metabolism. How is this possible? The function of vitamin E alone is to help blood circulation to the brain and balance the function of the brain. By consuming the vitamin A supplements can be consumed earlier in absorption in the gut and delivered through the blood vessels to the brain and then to the organs of the eye. In addition, because vitamin E is fat soluble. So as to facilitate the flow of vitamin A absorption into the bloodstream. Detecting a deficiency in vitamin A absorption in the blood naturally by providing vitamin A supplements and see the reaction of the body. If the current vitamin A supplementation when experiencing symptoms of vitamin A deficiency and do not get better, then you have problems in the absorption of vitamin A in the body.

Vitamin A Supplementation with Zinc Help

Accelerate the absorption of vitamin A to zinc also can do. By taking supplements of vitamin A along with zinc supplements, the body will still absorb both even optimally. It is directly proportional when we are deficient in zinc followed by protein deficiency. Because reserves of vitamin A is stored in the liver and consumption of zinc and protein deficiency causes reduced absorption through the gut to reserve the use of vitamin A and vitamin A deficiency as well. So when you consume zinc also want to consume vitamin A supplements for maximum absorption.

Vitamin A Supplementation For Smokers

For those who are smoking, vitamin A deficiency is sometimes a tendency for the habit of not eating healthy foods. Because of trends in smoking are able to withstand longer power hungry than non-smokers. So many smokers prefer to eat food that is nutritious instant comparison that contain lots of vitamins. So stop smoking to maximize the absorption of vitamin A in the body. Do not assume that taking a multivitamin and also smoking can mengantisipai free radicals that occur. Because research shows it is not true.

Vitamin A Supplements and Laxatives

Vitamin supplements are not appropriate to be used in conjunction with laxatives. Laxatives function is to overcome constipation. Where a person suffering from a bowel obstruction. By taking a laxative before bed, do not just dump the contents of the stomach and makes stools easier. But it also remove substances that can be absorbed by the body such as minerals and vitamins. That is why when taking laxatives do not need to take supplements of vitamin A. Beware also the consumption of laxatives can lead to improper dehydration and vitamin deficiencies due to the intestines could not absorb nutrients that have eaten into the body.

Vitamin A Supplements and Drugs Antacids type

It turns out that not all drugs can stimulate the body's vitamin needs. Because use of these drugs may reduce levels of vitamin A and vitamin B1. Antacids are the kind of pain medication or gastric ulcer. So that the absorption of vitamin A will be disrupted while working antacid to neutralize excess stomach acid. Because the consumption of antacid drug is able to create two conditions, namely body body body become constipated or have an easier bowel movement (into laxatives). From the above two conditions are advised not to consume vitamin A supplements in advance to avoid the collapse of the vitamin absorption by the body.

Vitamin A supplements and Alcohol

Alcohol is not good for your health in addition to the body it also affects the rate of absorption against to vitamins. Excessive use of alcohol can irritate the digestive system. So that the absorption of the vitamin in the intestine was disrupted due to the amount of alcohol in it. Not to mention if alcohol has entered into a blood vessel, it can reduce the intake of vitamin A disposition toward organ eye and brain. So keoptimalan vitamin A function becomes impaired.

That's the thing you should consider in taking supplements of vitamin A. With regard to the above, you can maximize the use of vitamin A supplements for your body.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

How to Treat Cough Disease With The Natural Way And Vitamins

In this article will discuss the disease cough and how to handle in a natural way and vitamins.

Early Treatment Of Cough


Cough is annoying. Usually many people consume cough medicine generic or sold at pharmacies due to early symptoms of cough disease. So is it necessary? Even some doctors try to give cough cough illness with vitamins if you are already classified as severe. So the first step in the proper handling of the increasing physical fitness. By way of exercising, eating nutritious foods, avoiding stress and taking vitamins. Some vitamins can be consumed after coughing disease are vitamin A and vitamin C. Because both these vitamins is to improve the body immunity. Other powerful natural way of course by mixing lemon with honey or ketchup. That is, with lime juice mixed in a glass of soy sauce or honey. Consumption for 3 times a day for a period of several days. In addition to this natural way is quite safe, you can also increase your body immunity due to its vitamin C.

Other natural ways much like the betel leaf treatment, kencur and sugar cubes. And also with ginger, kencur, and cloves. Keep in mind, if your health gets worse happens then try immediately to the doctor. It could be due to a cough that you experience instead of the usual virus and need special handling. However, if it is not as bad as usual, you can consume the traditional way above.

Consumption of Vitamins To Increase Body Immunity

Yes, by increasing the body's immunity, we would not be susceptible to disease cough. Consume sufficient vitamin. Keep in mind, that the spread of the virus coughs initially because we are too often in public places. Because the virus coughs, flu quickly spread in public places. With sufficient vitamin intake then it is easy to be able to keep the body while in an environment full of cough virus transmission. Then avoid contact with people with coughs or serajin possible to be able to wash their hands with soap before handling or eating food. This method effectively cutting off the spread of the virus as well as increase the immunity of the body with vitamin consumption.

Consumption of vitamin A and vitamin C. It can be found in vitamin supplements. Or the fruits and vegetables that contain lots of vitamins that second. Do not forget to also exercise the fullest because vitamin requirements also need to burn calories and keep the body's organ systems in our body to stay healthy. Cough is annoying especially not recover within 1 to 2 days. But it takes patience to face the disease. Do not just want a healthy body instant and entered various chemical drugs. Because the side effects of chemical drugs consumption remains greater than the natural medicine and daily vitamin intake.

To find a natural source of vitamin A and vitamin C. You can read our article on Source of Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Sources Hopefully this article to add your insights.

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