
Friday, July 18, 2014

The More Powerful Erections With Routine Consumption of These Foods!

The number of men who suffer from erectile dysfunction in the world continues to increase. Lost confidence and stress to the household breakdown could happen because of it. And to be regularly eat healthy foods, strong erection can be obtained.

According to Everyday Health's website, there really is not that effective foods prevent or treat erectile dysfunction. That there is good food for the heart and vascular system, thus helping to improve blood flow to the penis. Consumption of these foods can make so better quality erections.

Green leafy vegetables and bits

Green leafy vegetables like spinach and celery and beet juice is rich in nitrates. Nitrate serves to open blood vessels and increase blood flow. Usefulness already have proof for a long time. Drugs to treat impotence which is now being circulated also has the effect of nitrate, which is soothing and blood vessels delivering blood to the penis so that erection becomes stronger.

Dark chocolate

According to a study in the journal Circulation, the flavonoids in dark chocolate can lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, and improve blood circulation. All three are good to treat erectile dysfunction.





Men with erectile problems are eating pistachio nuts every day for three weeks to feel significantly improved sexual problems. Like the sex drive up and overall sexual satisfaction. The benefits of pistachios for erection problems seem to be caused by a protein called arginine, which helps relax blood vessels. Darahpun flow becomes strong and smooth.




Shellfish is always referred to as an aphrodisiac. Oysters do contain high levels of the mineral zinc, which plays an important role in the production of testosterone in men. Low testosterone levels is one of the causes of impotence. Raw shellfish also contain substances that stimulate the release of sex hormones in men and women.




Watermelon is mostly composed of water (92%), but 8% of it could be good for your heart and your sex life. Watermelon effect on erectile dysfunction like Viagra which can also increase sexual desire. In the watermelon are phytonutrients, antioxidants that makes blood vessels relax so nice trigger erections.




Fruits such as dark red tomatoes contain lycopene, a phytonutrient that is good for blood circulation and sexual health. Lycopene is also said to help against infertility in men and prostate cancer. Lycopene is the most easily absorbed when mixed with oily fruits like avocado.

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Nice post..thank's

muh hs said...

Thank you, you're welcome
I hope this is helpful for al

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