Here is the reasoning: Excess intake of carbohydrates results in fat storage. Simple carbohydrates, such as sugar and white flour, rapidly spike insulin levels, thereby accelerating the conversion of carbohydrates to fat. By restricting carbohydrate intake altogether, the body is forced to rely on its fat stores for energy and hence the weight loss process begins.
However, it is important to realize that high-protein diets are not appropriate for everyone. In fact, these diets may do more harm than good and leave your intended weight loss sabotaged.
High-protein, low-carbohydrate diets are not appropriate for everyone. In fact, these diets may do more harm than good and leave your intended weight loss sabotaged. High-protein, low-carbohydrate diets trigger weight loss by inducing ketosis, a toxic state that also occurs in uncontrolled diabetes and during starvation. Ketones are by-products of the inefficient oxidation, or breakdown of fats. See also: Nutrition for a Ketogenic Diet and/or Low Carb Keytogenic Effects.
Definition of Ketosis by the Encyclopedia from NHS Direct Online:
Ketosis is the presence in the blood of abnormally high levels of acidic substances called ketones. The normal body fuel is glucose. Ketones are produced when there is not enough glucose in the bloodstream, and fats have to be used. When fats are used excessively as fuels, they are eventually converted to ketones. The real danger in ketosis is that ketones are acidic, and high levels of ketones make the blood abnormally acid.
Normally the blood ketone levels are low, but in starvation, untreated diabetes and when the diet is very high in fats and low in carbohydrates, the levels rise. Ironically, in diabetes, the blood contains large quantities of sugar, but because of the shortage of insulin, this glucose can't be used as fuel.
Mild ketosis may be a feature of excessive morning sickness in pregnancy and crash diets.
Ideally, fat burns in the flame of carbohydrates. When the body lacks sufficient carbohydrates to produce glucose for energy, it is forced to use stored fats for fuel. The brain and other organs are forced to rely on ketones as the primary energy source when the required carbohydrates are missing from the diet. (See also: Carbohydrates)
Unfortunately, there are some not-so-pleasant side effects of ketosis -- among them constipation and bad breath. Short-term weight loss occurs quickly during the initial phase of the high-protein diet, partly because eliminating carbohydrates causes a loss of body fluids. The body is depleting liver and muscle glycogen (stored glucose) as well as excreting toxins via the urine.
This water loss occurs within the first seven to ten days, and many people mistakenly correlate this rapid weight loss with loss of body fat. The lost weight is really water loss caused by more frequent urination from restricting carbohydrates.
A study published last spring in the New England Journal of Medicine demonstrated the efficacy of short-term weight loss by means of a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet. The researchers found that those people who followed such a diet lost more weight during the six-month period than those following a low-fat diet. So we now have medical evidence to support the short-term use of high-protein diets.
There is no long-term evidence showing that people maintain weight loss through the use of these diets. In the long run, the diet may contribute to the onset of chronic medical conditions such as osteoporosis, cancer, cardiovascular disease and kidney insufficiency.
The diet lacks milk and dairy products, major sources of dietary calcium, while causing people to excrete more calcium than normal through their urine, which may affect bone tissue. Conversely, high-carbohydrate diets -- containing dairy products, beans, leafy green vegetables and fortified juices -- provide adequate dietary calcium, helping to build bone tissue. See also: Keeping Your Bones Strong.
High-protein diets also promote intakes of red meat far above the six ounces per day as recommended by the American Heart Association (AHA). It is well-known that meats cooked at high temperatures, including grilling and frying, produce heterocyclic amines, chemical compounds that have been linked to breast and colon cancer.
High-protein diets also increase one's intake of fat, especially saturated fat, cholesterol and protein, to levels well above what is recommended. Fat is a concentrated source of calories in our diet, ounce for ounce providing more than double the calories consumed from protein and carbohydrates. Fat consumed from meat, eggs and cheese is not stored as muscle but instead as body fat. Saturated fat has been linked to cardiovascular disease and colon cancer and it continues to play a role in the growing obesity trend.
Burden on the Kidneys
The kidneys are responsible for clearing the body of waste products produced by protein metabolism. Eating large amounts of protein places a strain on the kidneys, which may lead to long-term consequences.
Finally, high-protein diets are generally low in fiber, as they omit all fruit within the first 14 days and restrict starchy vegetables. Dietary fiber is an essential component of the diet and offers several benefits: It helps lower cholesterol, and it facilitates the excretion of wastes from the body -- thereby maintaining a healthy colon. Therefore, the low-fiber content of the high-protein diets may contribute to cardiovascular disease and may increase one's risk of developing colon cancer.
In short, there is sufficient evidence to support the use of a high-protein diet over the long term. The AHA Nutrition Committee of the Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism recently stated in Circulation Journal:
High-protein diets are not recommended because they restrict healthful foods that provide essential nutrients and do not provide the variety of foods needed to adequately meet nutritional needs. Individuals who follow these diets are therefore at risk for compromised vitamin and mineral intake, as well as potential cardiac, renal, bone and liver abnormalities overall.
Americans, on average, consume too much protein even without attempting a high-protein diet. To achieve long-term weight loss, a diet low in fat combined with physical activity is the best strategy. The AHA guidelines urge adults who are trying to lose weight and keep it off to eat no more than 30 percent of total daily calories from fat and less than ten percent from saturated fat. On the High-protein diets, meeting these goals is impossible.
A diet with a moderate carbohydrate content, containing fruits, vegetables, whole grains and non fat dairy products, is recommended. Fruits and vegetables are loaded with vitamins and minerals and of course, fiber.
Unfortunately there is no "quick fix" for losing weight and keeping it off. The weight loss equation is still a very simple one: Output must exceed input. You burn off calories by eating fewer calories and exercising more. The most successful weight loss strategies include watching portion sizes, being sensible about meals and snacks, and getting plenty of exercise.
The 3 Day DietIn truth, a diet called the "Three Day Diet" is nothing more than a very short term loss of bodily fluid. The basics of the diet: don't drink much water and eat around 600 calories a day. Lose up to 10 pounds quickly.
In short, and contrary to proponents of this diet, this is starving yourself for 3 or 4 days and is no solution to anything.
With this 3 Day Diet, you will more than likely gain the weight back quickly and probably end up adding some additional weight, to boot.
Having said that, and if you're still curious, here is what this diet is all about -- including it's own "claim to fame".
The Claim
The 3 Day Diet was developed for people who need to lose large amounts of weight.
The 3 Day Diet is chemically and enzyme balanced. If the diet is followed exactly, loss of 10 pounds in 3 days is possible.
The 3 Day Diet consists of ordinary foods found in your kitchen. No special expensive recipes or ingredients are required. No frozen diet meals to buy.
The 3 Day Diet is to be used for three days at a time. After three days of dieting you may return to your usual meals but, do not overeat. After four days of normal eating you may continue the 3 Day Diet.
This is not a starvation diet. In fact, you will be eating normal meals at normal times.
The Diet
Black Coffee or Tea (if required, with 1-2 packets of Sweet and Low or equivalent)
1/2 a Grapefruit or Juice
1 Slice of Toast with 1 tablespoon Peanut Butter
1/2 a Cup of Tuna
1 Slice of Toast
Black Coffee or Tea (if required, with 1-2 packets of Sweet and Low or equivalent)
3 Oz. any lean red meat or chicken
1 cup each of:
green beans
regular vanilla ice cream
1 apple
Black Coffee or Tea (if required, with 1-2 packets of Sweet and Low or equivalent)
1 Egg (boiled, scrambled, omlet)
1/2 a Banana
1 Slice of Toast
1 cup of cottage cheese or tuna
8 regular saltine crackers
2 beef franks
1 cup of broccoli or cabbage
1/2 a cup carrots
1/2 a banana
1/2 a cup of regular vanilla ice cream
Black Coffee or Tea (if required, with 1-2 packets of Sweet and Low or equivalent)
5 regular saltine crackers
1 oz. cheddar cheese
1 apple
1 boiled egg
1 slice of toast
Black Coffee or Tea (if required, with 1-2 packets of Sweet and Low or equivalent)
1 cup each of:
1/2 cup regular vanilla ice cream
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