
Sunday, August 24, 2014

How to Treat Cough Disease With The Natural Way And Vitamins

In this article will discuss the disease cough and how to handle in a natural way and vitamins.

Early Treatment Of Cough


Cough is annoying. Usually many people consume cough medicine generic or sold at pharmacies due to early symptoms of cough disease. So is it necessary? Even some doctors try to give cough cough illness with vitamins if you are already classified as severe. So the first step in the proper handling of the increasing physical fitness. By way of exercising, eating nutritious foods, avoiding stress and taking vitamins. Some vitamins can be consumed after coughing disease are vitamin A and vitamin C. Because both these vitamins is to improve the body immunity. Other powerful natural way of course by mixing lemon with honey or ketchup. That is, with lime juice mixed in a glass of soy sauce or honey. Consumption for 3 times a day for a period of several days. In addition to this natural way is quite safe, you can also increase your body immunity due to its vitamin C.

Other natural ways much like the betel leaf treatment, kencur and sugar cubes. And also with ginger, kencur, and cloves. Keep in mind, if your health gets worse happens then try immediately to the doctor. It could be due to a cough that you experience instead of the usual virus and need special handling. However, if it is not as bad as usual, you can consume the traditional way above.

Consumption of Vitamins To Increase Body Immunity

Yes, by increasing the body's immunity, we would not be susceptible to disease cough. Consume sufficient vitamin. Keep in mind, that the spread of the virus coughs initially because we are too often in public places. Because the virus coughs, flu quickly spread in public places. With sufficient vitamin intake then it is easy to be able to keep the body while in an environment full of cough virus transmission. Then avoid contact with people with coughs or serajin possible to be able to wash their hands with soap before handling or eating food. This method effectively cutting off the spread of the virus as well as increase the immunity of the body with vitamin consumption.

Consumption of vitamin A and vitamin C. It can be found in vitamin supplements. Or the fruits and vegetables that contain lots of vitamins that second. Do not forget to also exercise the fullest because vitamin requirements also need to burn calories and keep the body's organ systems in our body to stay healthy. Cough is annoying especially not recover within 1 to 2 days. But it takes patience to face the disease. Do not just want a healthy body instant and entered various chemical drugs. Because the side effects of chemical drugs consumption remains greater than the natural medicine and daily vitamin intake.

To find a natural source of vitamin A and vitamin C. You can read our article on Source of Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Sources Hopefully this article to add your insights.

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