
Saturday, July 19, 2014

3 Benefits Tomato Sauce for Health That You Should Know

The tomato sauce is often the perfect choice food supplement. In addition to adding flavor appetite, tomato sauce was also a lot of benefits for health. Here are some health benefits of tomato sauce.

  1. Reduces bad cholesterol. Tests conducted by scientists from Finland, found that tomato sauce could reduce low density lipoprotein (LDL) or bad cholesterol. In addition, some study participants also add any soy sauce they eat three times a day. The participants showed that their total cholesterol is only six percent for 6 weeks, and LDL levels of approximately 13 percent.
  2. Improving eye health. In addition to having vitamin C and low in fat, tomato sauce also contain vitamin A. These vitamins are key to maintaining a healthy immune system, and most importantly improve the health of your eyes.
  3. Reduce the risk of prostate problems. According to a study in the United States in 2002 involving approximately 47,000 participants, ate tomato sauce two or more times a week can reduce a man's risk of prostate cancer by 20 percent. Previous research has advocated for eating tomatoes to reduced risk because it contains lycopene.

Exercise to Improve Bone Density

Dense bone that will keep a person from the risk of osteoporosis. As one of the ways to increase bone density is by doing exercise. But of course not all types of exercise can be useful to increase bone density and prevent osteoporosis. So, what are sports that can be for the mencegha osteoporosis?

According to the Sports Medicine Specialist, Dr.. Grace Tumbelaka, Sp.KO, there are several types of exercise can increase bone so much of the risk of osteoporosis and exercise it is kind of weight bearing or exercise with loading. This exercise can keep the risk of osteoporosis because of this exercise focuses on lifting the body against gravity.

Furthermore dr. Grace explained that weight bearing exercise consisted of brisk walking, aerobics, brisk, and the jump-leap. But for those who already in her 40s and jumping activities, it is advisable not to jump too high. Jump is just as natural-fair, such as quoted from page.

The other benefit of doing weight bearing is able to balance the body as one's footing strengthen bones. Related to that, so that the exercise can provide better benefits, a person is advised to always do stretching during and after exercise.

There Are 5 Simple Thing That Make Your Life More Healthy dan Qualified

Maintain a healthy lifestyle is one way to get a long life and have a wonderful life. Not only physical health should be considered, but also mental health should also be considered.

As quoted from page Times of India, adopting a healthy lifestyle is actually very easy to do. For example, by doing the following five things simple.

  1. Move. Moving the body every haris very good for your health. You do not have to do strenuous exercise, just do light exercise such as walking. When compared to jogging or running, walking is the easiest way to move and have a lower risk of joint pain. No need to linger for a walk, be destroy only a ten minute walk can be helpful to boost your metabolism and stamina. Even if the weather outside does not support, you can also walk in the house or you can also take advantage of a treadmill.
  2. Hydrated correctly. To maintain the function of organs and protect the digestive and joint health, meet the needs of body fluids is essential. Eat the right amount of water to keep your skin healthy and sweating to remove toxins from the body.
  3. Get fresh air and sunshine. sunshine air and light are very good for health. Vitamin D is contained in sunlight can be beneficial for your skin. Not only that, vitamin D also helps the body absorb calcium which is essential for bone growth and strength so that it can prevent rickets and osteoporosis. The effects of vitamin D are less able to cause several types of cancer, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and depression. For sources of vitamin D, you can find it in the cod liver oil, eggs, milk, salmon, and tuna.
  4. Rest and relaxation. Night sleep is very important for the health benefits because of sleep a night is the time for the body to recharge energy. Although the work often forces you to stay up, but believe me if the problem can be solved by good in the morning after you get a good night's rest. The effects of sleep deprivation can lead to fatigue, depression, heart attacks, and anxiety disorders. In fact, just a few nights do not get enough sleep it can make your mood will get worse, less kosnentrasi, and decreased memory.
  5. Eating properly. Eat enough and right, do not overdo it. Pay particular attention to eating fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and foods derived from wheat. Make sure you eat foods that contain no preservatives and sugar. Note also in food packaging labels and drugs, as well as your body care products such as toothpaste and soap.

Some Food For Bone Health

Strong bones are future investment. People who usually have the age old problem in bone strength due to the process of degeneration. One of the negative consequences that arise are stricken with osteoporosis or brittle bone disease.

However, the process of bone degeneration can be prevented by always providing calcium intake, vitamin D, and other nutrients for bone. Quoted from Boldsky, following 10 foods that are beneficial for strengthening bones:

  1. Milk. Drink a cup of milk calcium intake aka provide up to 30 percent of the body needs. Consumption of milk every day to be one good way to strengthen bones.
  2. Dark green vegetables. Vegetable kale, spinach, and other dark colors have a fairly high calcium content.
  3. Salmon. The marine fish in addition to having high calcium, is also rich in vitamin D. Alloy will both facilitate calcium absorption into the bone.
  4. Cheese and yogurt. Foods made from milk are good sources of calcium into the bones. In the yogurt contained about 42 percent of calcium in each portion. In addition, rich yogurt with probiotics.
  5. Pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds have the mineral magnesium. If met with calcium and vitamin D, all three will further strengthen bones.
  6. Apricot. Apricot fruit contains potassium. It is recommended to consume at least once a week apricots.
  7. Strawberries. Even though small bentukya, strawberries high in vitamins C This vitamin stimulates the formation of collagen that contribute to bone strength.
  8. Tuna fish. These fish contain vitamin D, potassium, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids in addition to making strong bones, usefulness is also good for heart health.
  9. Eggs. Eggs are a good source of vitamin D and protein is good for the bones.
  10. Oranges. Citrus fruits contain calcium, vitamin C, and vitamin D. These three nutrients makes the bones healthier.

Men Who Are Married Have Stronger Bones

Over age, bone mineral density (bone mineral density / BMD) will naturally decrease. This is the first step of the occurrence of osteoporosis in old age time stepping. But not all people experience the same decrease in BMD. There are certain factors that cause BMD decreased more slowly. For example diligent exercise, nutritional adequacy menyukupi to bone, and so on. And, a recent study found a link between marriage with BMD. Known, made ​​mineral density married someone much better than those without a spouse, divorce, death or divorce.

The study was conducted by researchers at UCLA. Researchers try to find the association of marital status with BMD. Especially for men who are married, are known to have better BMD than men alone without a partner. This is true of married men who reach the age of more than 25 years.

Only the results for women are more diverse. Marriage does not automatically make them healthier bones when compared to men. However, these women can obtain better bone when there is support from the husband has to realize the importance of strong bones. Thus, the quality of marriage make women perform a variety of preventive measures that are not easily porous bones. Husband's role is indispensable.

"In women, the quality of the marriage is more important than just getting married. In line with previous findings that women who are unhappy marriage suffer more distress than those never married," wrote the researchers, as quoted by the Huffington Post.

This study examined data 632 adults in the United States and published in the online journal Osteoporosis International. And, the study of marriage relationships with the health studies ever before helped found, marriage makes people less chance to develop pneumonia, cancer, and heart attacks.

How To Maintain for Bone Health

Problems caused a lack of bone density was quite serious. A person with osteoporosis or osteoarthritis easily. Fracture risk and the higher the pain itself. As a result, the sufferer will feel uncomfortable with this condition.

Actually, in the state of bone health should be treated early. Because the porous bone takes place in the long term. Quoted from She Knows, there are several steps that can be done to maintain bone health:

  1. Strengthening the muscles with weight training. The stronger the muscles will prevent osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. Strong muscles also help reduce the pressure on the joints thus preventing pain and stiffness. Types of exercises that can be done include squats and lift weights.
  2. Always train the bone with physical activity. Daily routines are physically active tend to help the bones stronger. Other movements that can be done is jump rope or heavy lifting.
  3. Quit smoking. Smoking can reduce bone mass. Bones tend to be brittle. And, women who smoke are more fragile bones than women nonsmokers.
  4. Soak up the sun 4. Sunlight - especially in the morning and evening - will lead to the formation of the vitamin in the skin below. These vitamins along with calcium to make strong bones and compressing. Of Vitamin D can also be obtained from eggs, salmon, and other foods. In addition, vitamin K also multiply with vitamin D makes beneficial to bone proteins.
  5. Minimise alcohol intake. Alcoholic beverages reduces levels of vitamin D in the body. This encourages bone fragility.
  6. Increase eat fruits and vegetables. This natural food tends rich in various nutrients including beneficial to bones. Vitamin K, magnesium, and potassium are some good nutrition for bone and can be obtained from fruits or vegetables.
  7. Reduce caffeine. But avoid drinking too much coffee. Too much caffeine in the body can inhibit the absorption of calcium in bones.
  8. Eating lebh much potassium and omega-3 fatty acids Both of these nutrients can nourish the heart as well as strengthen bones. Both also works with calcium to make bones more bones. Potassium can be obtained from bananas, sweet potatoes, to yogurt. While omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, whole grains, until the beans. Eating salmon twice a week is enough to meet the omega-3 fatty acids in the body that support bone density.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Antioxidants: Iron Dome Defense System in Our Body

The role of antioxidants for the health of our bodies

The process of aging and degenerative diseases such as cardiovascular cancer, blood clots include hiperlipidemik, atherosclerosis, stroke, and high blood pressure as well as the disruption of the body's immune system can be caused by oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress is a state of imbalance in the amount of oxidants and prooxidant body. In these conditions, the activity of free radical molecules or reactive oxygen species (ROS) can cause cellular and genetic damage. Lack of nutrients and the presence of xenobiotic compounds from food or polluted environment will worsen the situation.

When the general public of Japan or some Asian communities rarely have problems with a variety of degenerative diseases, it is caused by traditional healthy menu rich nutrients and bioactive components. These substances have the ability as an antioxidant, which plays an important role in inhibiting the chemical reaction of oxidation, which can damage macromolecules and can cause various health problems.

How antioxidants work

Mechanism of action of antioxidants has two functions. The first function is the main function of antioxidants is a hydrogen atom donor. Antioxidants (AH) which has the main function is often referred to as primary antioxidants. These compounds can provide rapid hydrogen atom to the lipid radical (R *, ROO *) or change it to a more stable form, while derivative antioxidant radicals (A *) has a more stable state than lipid radicals.

The second function is a secondary function of antioxidants, which slow the rate of autooksidasi with different mechanisms of chain termination mechanism autooksidasi outside the radical conversion of lipids to form more stable.

The addition of antioxidants (AH) with a low concentration of the primary lipids can inhibit or prevent autooksidasi reaction of fats and oils. Such addition may block the oxidation reaction at the stage of initiation and propagation. Antioxidant radicals (A *) is formed in the reaction is relatively stable and does not have enough energy to be able to react with other lipid molecules to form new lipid radicals.

Sources of antioxidants

Antioxidants are defined as compounds that can delay, slow down, and prevents the process of lipid oxidation. In a special sense, antioxidants are substances that can delay or prevent the occurrence of antioxidative reactions of free radicals in lipid oxidation.

The sources of antioxidants can be classified into two groups, namely synthetic antioxidants (antioxidants obtained from the synthesis of chemical reactions) and natural antioxidants (antioxidants result extraction of natural materials).

Some examples of synthetic antioxidants are permitted its use for food and its use has been frequently used, namely butyl hydroxy anisole (BHA), butyl hydroxy toluene (BHT), propyl gallate, tert-butyl hidoksi quinone (TBHQ) and tocopherols. Antioxidants are a natural antioxidant that has been produced synthetically for commercial purposes.

Natural antioxidants in food can be derived from (a) the existing antioxidant compounds from one or two food components, (b) an antioxidant compound that is formed from reactions during processing, (c) antioxidant compounds isolated from natural sources and added to food as food additives.

Antioxidant compounds isolated from natural sources are derived from plants. Plant kingdom, Angiosperm has approximately 250,000 to 300,000 species and of these approximately 400 species have been known to be a human food. Isolation of a natural antioxidant has been made ​​of edible plants, but not always from the edible part. Natural antioxidants are scattered in several parts of plants, such as wood, bark, roots, leaves, fruits, flowers, seeds and pollen.

Natural antioxidant plant compounds generally are phenolic or polyphenolic compounds which can be either class of flavonoids, cinnamic acid derivatives, coumarins, tocopherols and polyfunctional organic acids. Class of flavonoids that have antioxidant activity include flavones, flavonols, isoflavones, kateksin, flavonols and kalkon. While the cinnamic acid derivatives include kafeat acid, ferulic acid, chlorogenic acid, and others.

Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) is used as a spice or traditional medicine. The components of ginger spicy like 6 gingerol and 6-shogaol is known to have considerable antioxidant activity. Of ginger extract volatilnya component that was removed by steam distillation, the fraction of non volatilnya after purification, it was found that there were four gingerol derivatives and four kinds diarilheptanoid which have strong antioxidant activity.

There are several phenolic compounds that have antioxidant activity have been isolated from soybean (Glycine max L.), one of which is a flavonoid. Flavonoids soy is unique in that of all the flavonoids were isolated and identified as isoflavones.


Antioxidants for health

We all know that health is the main thing and the most important in human life as compared to other positions, power, rank, or wealth. Without optimal health, it would be meaningless, because that is fit and healthy is everyone's dream.

Epidemiological studies indicate there is a strong link between health status and life expectancy of humans with their consumption patterns. People in the area who consume lots of protein, fat, sugar and salt, for example, turns out to be more prevalent as people with degenerative diseases than people in the area who consume lots of carbohydrates, fiber and vitamins.

Majority countries such as Japan live longer, consume foods rich in nuts, vegetables and fruits and drink green tea berkebiasaan. Eskimo community whose life can not be separated from the consumption of fish, rarely found as people with heart disease. Community groups who are accustomed to consuming fermented milk was also on average have a longer life.

Increased prevalence of degenerative diseases in Indonesia, motivate Indonesian food and nutrition researchers to explore the antioxidant compounds derived from natural sources. The high biodiversity of natural resources and indigenous materials are bestowed by God to the nation of Indonesia, is potentially a very valuable and useful for public health.

The More Powerful Erections With Routine Consumption of These Foods!

The number of men who suffer from erectile dysfunction in the world continues to increase. Lost confidence and stress to the household breakdown could happen because of it. And to be regularly eat healthy foods, strong erection can be obtained.

According to Everyday Health's website, there really is not that effective foods prevent or treat erectile dysfunction. That there is good food for the heart and vascular system, thus helping to improve blood flow to the penis. Consumption of these foods can make so better quality erections.

Green leafy vegetables and bits

Green leafy vegetables like spinach and celery and beet juice is rich in nitrates. Nitrate serves to open blood vessels and increase blood flow. Usefulness already have proof for a long time. Drugs to treat impotence which is now being circulated also has the effect of nitrate, which is soothing and blood vessels delivering blood to the penis so that erection becomes stronger.

Dark chocolate

According to a study in the journal Circulation, the flavonoids in dark chocolate can lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, and improve blood circulation. All three are good to treat erectile dysfunction.





Men with erectile problems are eating pistachio nuts every day for three weeks to feel significantly improved sexual problems. Like the sex drive up and overall sexual satisfaction. The benefits of pistachios for erection problems seem to be caused by a protein called arginine, which helps relax blood vessels. Darahpun flow becomes strong and smooth.




Shellfish is always referred to as an aphrodisiac. Oysters do contain high levels of the mineral zinc, which plays an important role in the production of testosterone in men. Low testosterone levels is one of the causes of impotence. Raw shellfish also contain substances that stimulate the release of sex hormones in men and women.




Watermelon is mostly composed of water (92%), but 8% of it could be good for your heart and your sex life. Watermelon effect on erectile dysfunction like Viagra which can also increase sexual desire. In the watermelon are phytonutrients, antioxidants that makes blood vessels relax so nice trigger erections.




Fruits such as dark red tomatoes contain lycopene, a phytonutrient that is good for blood circulation and sexual health. Lycopene is also said to help against infertility in men and prostate cancer. Lycopene is the most easily absorbed when mixed with oily fruits like avocado.

Some Fruits Are Effective Decreasing The Blood Cholesterol

Keeping your body healthy is not difficult and costly. Consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables could be a solution that enough. In addition, a number of properties can also be obtained. Such as preventing a number of diseases to keep blood cholesterol remained stable.

Eating vegetables and fruits was also able to lose weight at the same time. It also prevents the risk of getting cancer. Here are five good list of foods consumed to keep the body healthy.


Papaya is a good source of vitamins A, C and E, are also rich in fiber that can lower cholesterol levels. While the content of the enzyme papain and chymopapainnya act as an anti-inflammatory. Papaya also contains lycopene to reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men.


Crisp and sweet fruit contains a number of vitamins and minerals. Such as calcium, potassium, fiber, vitamin C and manganese are useful for maintaining bone health. Not only that, bromelain substances in it can cope with cough and thin the phlegm.


Apples are generally consumed dieters for a snack. Who would have thought if apples can also lower blood cholesterol levels. According to a study, women who ate an apple every day can lose weight faster. While the content of flavonoids may help prevent the risk of Alzheimer's.


Broccoli is rich in calcium which is good for bones and teeth. It also contains lutein and zeaxantihin compounds that can maintain eye health and prevent the risk of night blindness when old age.


Red fruit that is rich in vitamins A and C. The content of antioxidants in the form of lycopene, an anti-cancer substance. Tomatoes also can maintain heart health as it is high in fiber, potassium, vitamin B and niacin.

See also this post  >>>>   Benefits Of Broccoli

                                        Lemon Juice : The Super Drinks For Anti-Cancer

Lemon Juice : The Super Drinks For Anti-Cancer

Many experts and medical experts stated that a lemon is one of the super foods rich in nutrients. Juice or lemon juice for example, not only can be used as a flavor enhancer dishes, but also, very beneficial for health.

Flavonoids contained in lemon juice contains antioxidants, which makes lemon useful in treating so many diseases and health problems. The following are the top ten reasons lemon can Sehatkan your body as quoted from Fitsugar.

Prevent kidney stones

Consume one half cup of lemon juice every day increases the levels of citrate in the urine. Research has shown that it can protect the kidney stones of calcium.

Relieves pain of the throat

Mixing lemon juice with honey can help relieve discomfort from itching when sore throat.

Help you for lose weight

Lemon juice can help bring the fat out of your body. In addition, a recent study showed that lemon juice contains pectin, a soluble fiber that can help lower the weight.

Maintain the stamina

Leave a caffeinated beverage and start your day with hot water and fresh lemon juice to stimulate your digestion and increase the intake of vitamin C. Mengkonsumsi squeeze of lemon water can refresh your body and make you more passionate activity.

Stop the itch

When bitten by an insect, a combination of lemon juice and cornstarch can help alleviate some of the sting of insects that make the skin itch.

Helps digestion process

Consuming a mixture of lemon juice and flaxseed can help your digestive system becomes healthier because removing impurities from the body more quickly.


Research has supported the anticancer activity of liminoids lemon, compounds that protect cells from damage that can lead to the formation of cancer cells.

Intake of potassium

Bananas are not the only foods that contain high potassium. In addition to vitamin C, lemons offering 80 milligrams of minerals that help your body stay strong and agile.

Reduce fever

When the body temperature rises, consuming lemon juice can help reduce fever faster.

Balancing PH

Although lemons have a pretty sour taste, but lemon is a source of alkali intake which can help balance your body's PH.

You may also see this post  >>>>   Some Fruits Are Effective Decreasing The Blood Cholesterol 

                                                      Benefits Of Broccoli 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Benefits Of Broccoli

Benefits of Broccoli. Broccoli is a dark green leafy vegetables are included in the brassica family, a family of plants that includes kale, cabbage, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts. Broccoli comes from the Italian, the word broccoli in italian language "Brocolo", which means "branch". Broccoli was first cultivated in the 17th century to 18. Broccoli is one vegetable that interests many people, expressed in a variety of food dishes. But as long as we consume broccoli if we know the properties of broccoli itself? Broccoli has many benefits, especially viewed from the womb.

Broccoli contains nutrients that very much, such as iron, protein, calcium, chromium, carbohydrates, vitamin A and vitamin C in addition to the broccoli also contains important phytochemicals and antioxidants.

So what are the actual benefits of broccoli? Here are the properties of broccoli that can help maintain the health of our bodies:

  1. Benefits of broccoli can help the digestive system, because broccoli contains fiber that can help the digestive system and also helps prevent constipation.
  2. Benefits of broccoli can improve skin health, because broccoli is a storehouse of vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamin B complex. It all is needed to make the skin more radiant, even vitamin E found in broccoli helps the development of skin tissue regeneration that have died.
  3. Benefits of as an anti-cancer broccoli. The American Cancer Society recommends eating broccoli because it contains anti-cancer phytochemicals. Some studies also show that a diet rich in broccoli can reduce the risk of some cancers, such as breast cancer, colon cancer and lung cancer.
  4. Benefits of broccoli can reduce the risk of heart disease, because broccoli contains the carotenoids lutein to prevent thickening of the arteries of the heart, so that distances us from the risk of heart disease and stroke.
  5. Benefits of broccoli can prevent toxins that enter, because broccoli contains vitamin C and sulfur amino acids that make broccoli a very good antidote. Broccoli also can help eliminate free radicals and toxins such as uric acid.
  6. Benefits of broccoli can lower cholesterol and high blood pressure, because broccoli is rich in cholesterol-lowering fiber, fiber and potassium chromium can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure control.
  7. Benefits of broccoli can prevent anemia, anemia usually associated with body iron deficiency, brokli containing iron and folic acid that can help prevent iron deficiency anemia.
  8. Benefits of broccoli can help control diabetes, because broccoli is rich in chromium, and this is known to help regulate insulin and diabetes control.
  9. Benefits of broccoli may help reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Based on a study, showed that a diet high in folate may help reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. And the broccoli was one of the types of foods that contain these.
  10. Benefits of broccoli can boost the immune system, because broccoli is a good source of vitamin C, and this is an important nutrient that dpat keep your immune system.
  11. Benefits of broccoli can meperkuat bone and prevent osteoporosis, because broccoli is rich in calcium, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus that can help maintain strong bones and keep the bones to stay healthy and strong. It is very applicable especially to pregnant women and elderly women, since osteoporosis is more vulnerable to attack.
  12. Benefits of broccoli may keep vision healthy. Based on a study, beta-carotene contained in broccoli can protect the eyes against macular degeneration and also prevent cataracts.
  13. Benefits of broccoli can help stay healthy pregnancy, because broccoli is a good source of folate and can help prevent neural defects such as spina bifida in the fetus. It is very necessary because pregnant women are in need of folate during pregnancy.
  14. Benefits of broccoli can help you lose weight, because broccoli has a very low calorie content, therefore broccoli is very good to help you lose weight, especially for people who are on a diet.

Benefits of broccoli is very helpful in maintaining the health of our bodies, the efficacy of broccoli can also make us prevented from premature aging. That was some of the properties of broccoli are very good in helping maintain the health of our bodies. Hopefully this can be useful properties of broccoli to all readers.       


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