
Friday, July 18, 2014

Some Fruits Are Effective Decreasing The Blood Cholesterol

Keeping your body healthy is not difficult and costly. Consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables could be a solution that enough. In addition, a number of properties can also be obtained. Such as preventing a number of diseases to keep blood cholesterol remained stable.

Eating vegetables and fruits was also able to lose weight at the same time. It also prevents the risk of getting cancer. Here are five good list of foods consumed to keep the body healthy.


Papaya is a good source of vitamins A, C and E, are also rich in fiber that can lower cholesterol levels. While the content of the enzyme papain and chymopapainnya act as an anti-inflammatory. Papaya also contains lycopene to reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men.


Crisp and sweet fruit contains a number of vitamins and minerals. Such as calcium, potassium, fiber, vitamin C and manganese are useful for maintaining bone health. Not only that, bromelain substances in it can cope with cough and thin the phlegm.


Apples are generally consumed dieters for a snack. Who would have thought if apples can also lower blood cholesterol levels. According to a study, women who ate an apple every day can lose weight faster. While the content of flavonoids may help prevent the risk of Alzheimer's.


Broccoli is rich in calcium which is good for bones and teeth. It also contains lutein and zeaxantihin compounds that can maintain eye health and prevent the risk of night blindness when old age.


Red fruit that is rich in vitamins A and C. The content of antioxidants in the form of lycopene, an anti-cancer substance. Tomatoes also can maintain heart health as it is high in fiber, potassium, vitamin B and niacin.

See also this post  >>>>   Benefits Of Broccoli

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