
Sunday, August 03, 2014

The Benefits Of Beef

Beef has a high nutrition, good taste and beneficial to the human body if the meat is good and healthy.
The beef was preferred because it has high nutritional and savory tastes good as well. Indonesian people used to cook beef with various dishes that can stimulate appetite. The beef is highly nutritious, beneficial to the human body and has a good taste of the meat obtained only good and healthy.

Signs of good beef and healthy:

  1. There is a stamp abattoir (slaughterhouse) which indicates that the beef comes from cows healthy, decent cut, and slaughtered in the right way.
  2. Natural colored meat, which is slightly yellowish red.
  3. Smelling typical beef.
  4. Seen chewy and dense.
  5. Delicate fibrous meat and little fat.
  6. Fat yellowish.

Beef ugly and unhealthy

Beef means an ugly unhealthy and should not be consumed / eaten, because it will affect bad for the human body. Signs of meat that has been ugly as follows: bluish color, foul smelling (damaged), fat already soggy, slimy, flies, and the gross sales.

Preservation beef
To get a good beef and healthy preservation needs to be done, with the aim of slowing or preventing the damage / decay resulting in lower quality / kualistas beef. One of the ways to preserve beef this can be done by cooling.

Cooling is done immediately after the animals are slaughtered, that is not perishable, the way: meat is stored in a room temperature of 2-4 degrees (2-4o) below 0 degrees Celsius (0 ° C), the meat will hold for six (6) days. While freezing is done by means of: meat stored in temperatures below 0 ° C 20-30o, the meat will hold for some time more than six (6) days.

Nutrient content of beef

Nutrition is a substance or chemical compound that is found in food that are beneficial for human health and growth. Each food has a nutrient content vary both number and type. Even there are fellow panganpun different material numbers, eg for beef has the highest protein content compared with other animal meat. According to the Department of Health (1981), each 100 grams of beef contains 207 calories kkcl, 18.8 grams protein, 14.0 grams fat, 11 mg calcium, 170 mg phosphorus and 2.8 mg of iron.

Beef benefits for the human body

Every 100 grams of beef contains 18.8 grams of protein. Protein from beef is called animal protein having the amino acid structure similar to humans, can not be made by the body (essential) amino acid composition is relatively more complete and balanced. Digestibility of animal protein is better than vegetable protein (from plants). In the body of living beings such as humans, the protein is a constituent part of the organs, such as muscle, skin, hair, heart, lungs, brain, and others. The functions of proteins are essential for the human body, among other things: 1) growth; 2) repair of damaged cells, 3) as a plasma-forming material glands, hormones and enzin; 4) partly as energy reserves, if carbohydrates as the main energy source is not sufficient; and 5) maintaining acid-base balance of blood.

Children who frequently eat food containing animal protein will be seen to grow faster, have stronger immune system, and intelligent compared with children who rarely eat high protein foods. Characterized by fast-growing body contains, fresh and fatter and higher. While having a strong immune system is usually characterized by sparse and sickly active or a lot of activity / agile. Then, intelligently marked by clever at school and responsive to questions.

In addition to these proteins, fats are also beneficial to the human body, as energy savings / energy. Fat contained in beef serves as a solid source of energy for the human body, each gram of fat produces energy by 9 kcal. In addition, fats also serve for the human body to conserve protein and thiamin, as well as create a sense of fullness longer.

6 Ingredients Nutrition In Beef

The beef has a lot of nutrients that are very helpful in maintaining your health. If you do not know what are the nutrients found in beef following from our review.

1. Iron
Iron is one of the critical need for our bodies. We can get iron from beef because beef contains iron which is very high. Iron deficiency will cause anemia so that the body becomes lethargic.

Iron in beef helpful to increase metabolism in the body, affecting the child's enthusiasm for learning and also as a fortress for our bodies because iron can boost immunity.

2. Protein
Beef also contains nutrients that are no less important than iron, ie proetin. Protein is very important because it can help brain development in children. In addition, protein also helps your body to form new tissue in your muscles.

3. Selenium
Other woods on the nutrient content of beef is selenium. Selenium is needed to form the antioxidants and improve immunity of children.

4. Zinc or Zinc
Zinc is also found in beef. This substance has the function to increase metabolism and immune function. Zinc deficiency can cause disturbances in the development of male reproductive function and the formation of sperm and interfere with immune function.

5. Vitamin B Complex
Concentration and memory could be a problem for us. Vitamin B complex to help beef brain nerve system working so as to help maintain concentration and improve memory.

6. Omega 3
Nutrient content of beef latter is omega 3 Omega 3 helps heart function, central nervous system and liver. In 150 grams of beef, contained about 30 grams of Omega 3 fatty acids.

That's 6 in the nutrient content of beef that can help you to keep your body healthy. If you need to contact us immediately beef as beef supplier that can be your partner in maintaining a healthy body.

The types of Beef

The beef has a variety of different views of the consumption of feed that will affect the color of fat and meat.

Several types of beef that you may not know is as follows:

1. The Wagyu Beef

Wagyu beef has a special feature which is a fine white specks of fat that is woven throughout the textured flesh. This unique effect is referred to as muscular fat (marbling). Wagyu beef is very famous and is a premium beef because the texture is very soft and has a sweet taste delicious nan.

Wagyu cattle performed during 300 to 600 days of fattening period to gain muscle fat content (marbling) high. Wagyu meat quality assessment seen from fat muscle, where the muscle the more fat that is contained in all the meat, then the meat quality will be higher.

The muscle-fat meat with a favorite because it has a texture similar to margarine melted in the mouth and bad. To enjoy Wagyu beef, you need bigger pockets than beef in general.

2. The Beef is Eaters Grass (Grass Fed)

For those of you who want to enjoy the meat with a low fat, then the grazing beef (grass fed) this may be the right choice. Meat is generally farmed livestock in natural grasslands.

You do not need to worry about the taste, because this type of beef is very tender and has a delicious taste as well. What's more, the meat also has a lower fat content than beef in general.

3. The Beef is Eaters Grain (Grain Fed)

Beef eating grains tend to be colored red and is considered more consistent, whereas white fat and have more consistent as well. In terms of flavor, beef eater these grains have a savory flavor and soft, so it is delicious when eaten.

Cows eating grains generally farmed by providing a feed grain for a certain number of days. Grains used is not arbitrary, but has been assessed as a nutritional impartial and contains high energy feed.

Examples of whole grains are often given to this type of cattle are sorghum, wheat, barley, and corn.

The Parts of Beef

For those of you who are not familiar with the parts of beef, here are described the parts of beef. This is particularly important given the many actors culinary still not quite familiar with the beef to be processed.

With more familiar with the parts of beef will certainly help you to determine what type of meat to be used before making a special dish.

The following section image of beef in several countries:

1. US Beef Cuts

2. British Beef Cuts

3. Dutch Beef Cuts

4. Australia Beef Cuts

Well now you've no need to be confused with beef parts, just adjust it with dishes that will be served.

The Beef is Classes Based on Their Quality

Different texture makes the application of food for each piece of meat is not arbitrary. The beef was subdivided into three groups based on their quality, ie class I, II, and III.

  1. The beef is Class I. Meat that comes into the category of class I are addressed in, cape, and lemusir (both lemusir head, cover, and pendasar and gandik).
  2. The beef is class II. As for class II are the quadriceps (includes sengkel and quads), as well as meat and hump ribs.
  3. The beef is class III. Class III consists of samcan, brisket, and the rest of the other parts.

Meat quality into the class I would have the appearance that tends to dry and chewy texture, whereas meat quality II will have a moist appearance, but less chewy texture.

Unlike the above two categories, classified as quality meat III has the appearance of wet and mushy texture. .

Do not forget to buy meat at the meat which has been a trusted supplier.

Tips on Selecting Fresh Meat

1. Note the color of meat
The meat is fresh and the quality is different from rotten meat. The easiest way to determine the quality of the meat is of color. The beef is fresh red and fresh. The color of meat is also not pale and not dirty.

2. Meat texture
Fresh beef has a texture that feels spongy. Press the little meat, if returned to its original position means the meat is still new and fresh. This is different from the rotten meat where the meat will feel soft when pressed.

3. Smell / Aroma
Fresh meat has a fresh scent as well, or in other words has a distinctive odor "cow". While it will cause rotting meat or rancid stench.

4. Not Runny
If you buy meat you may often see a red liquid like blood. Fluid was not blood but rather "essence" of the meat.

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