
Friday, July 25, 2014

Did You Know The Danger Of Lung Cancer?



Incidence of lung cancer is strongly associated with cigarette smoking, with about 90% of cancer-lung cancer arising as a result of tobacco use. The risk of lung cancer increases with the number of cigarettes smoked over time; doctors refer to this risk in terms of annual packs of smoking history (the number of packs of cigarettes smoked per day multiplied by the number of years of exploitation). For example, a person who has smoked two packs of cigarettes per day for 10 years has a 20 pack year history. When the risk of lung cancer increases even with a 10 pack year smoking history, those with histories of 30 pack years or more is considered to have the greatest risk of developing lung cancer. Among who smoke two or more packs of cigarettes per day, one in seven will die of lung cancer.

Pipe and cigar smoking can also cause lung cancer, although the risk is not as high as with cigarette smoking. Where a person who smokes one pack of cigarettes per day has a risk of developing lung cancer is 25 times higher than the non-smokers, smokers of pipes and cigars have a risk of lung cancer is approximately 5 times than someone who does not smoke.

Tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 chemical compounds, many of which have been shown to cause cancer, or carcinogenic. Two-carcinogenic carcinogenic tobacco smoke in the main are chemicals known as nitrosamines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The risk of developing lung cancer decreases each year due to smoking cessation as normal cells grow and replace damaged cells in the lung. In former smokers, the risk of developing lung cancer begins to approach that of a nonsmoker about 15 years after cessation of smoking.

Passive smoking

Asbestos fibers are silicate (silicate fibers) that can persist for a lifetime in lung tissue following exposure to asbestos. The workplace is a common source of exposure to asbestos fibers is common, because asbestos is widely used in the past for both the as heat insulation materials and acoustic. Today, asbestos use is limited or banned in many countries, including the United States. Both lung cancer and mesothelioma (a type of cancer of the pleura or lining of the abdominal cavity called the peritoneum) are associated with exposure to asbestos. Mehisap smoking dramatically increases the likelihood of developing a lung cancer associated with asbestos-exposed workers. Asbestos workers who do not smoke have a risk of developing lung cancer five times than non-smokers, and asbestos workers who smoke have a risk of 50 to 90 times greater than nonsmokers.

Radon Gas

Radon gas is a noble gas and natural chemical which is a breakdown product of natural uranium. He broke / crushed form products that emit a type of radiation that ionizes. Radon gas is a known cause of lung cancer, with an estimated 12% of lung cancer deaths attributable to radon gas, or 15,000 to 22,000 deaths associated with lung cancer each year in the United States, making radon the second leading cause of cancer lung in America. As with exposure to asbestos, smoking is simultaneously a very large increase lung cancer risk with exposure to radon. Radon gas can move through the soil and into the house through the gaps between the foundations, pipes, ducts, or other open places. The US Environmental Protection Agency estimates that one out of every 15 homes in America contain levels of radon gas are dangerous. Radon gas is invisible and odorless, but it can be detected with test boxes that simple.

The Tendency of Family

When the majority of lung cancers are associated with tobacco smoke, the fact that not all smokers eventually develop lung cancer suggests that other factors, such as individual genetic sensitivity, may play a role in causing lung cancer. Many studies have shown that lung cancer is likely to occur in both brothers were smoking or not smoking those who have had lung cancer than the general population. Recent research has localized a region on the long arm of human chromosome number 6 that is likely to contain a gene that confers an increased susceptibility to develop lung cancer in smokers.

Lung Diseases

The presence of certain lung diseases, especially chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), is associated with a slightly increased risk (four to six times the risk of a nonsmoker) for developing lung cancer even after the effects of cigarette smoking has been eliminated simultaneously.

Previous history of Lung Cancer

The people who survived lung cancer have a greater risk than the general population of developing a second lung cancer. The survivors of non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLCs, see below) have an additional risk of 1% -2% per year developing a second lung cancer. In those survivors of small cell lung cancers (SCLCs), the risk of developing second cancers approaches 6% per year.

Air Pollution

Air pollution from vehicles, industry, and places of power generation (electricity) can increase the likelihood of developing lung cancer in exposed individuals. Up to 1% of lung cancer deaths are caused by breathing polluted air, and experts believe that prolonged exposure (long) at a very high polluted air can carry a risk similar to that of passive smoking to develop lung cancer.

The types of Lung Cancer

Lung cancers, also known as bronchogenic carcinomas ("carcinoma" is another term for cancer), broadly classified into two types: small cell lung cancers (SCLC) and non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLC). This classification is based on the microscopic appearance of the cancer cells themselves. The two types of cancers grow and spread in different ways, so a distinction between these two types is important.

SCLC accounts for approximately 20% of cancers of the lungs and is the most aggressive and rapidly growing of all lung cancers-lung. SCLC is very strongly associated with cigarette smoking, with only 1% of these tumors that occur in non-smokers. SCLC spreads rapidly to many sites within the body and are most often discovered after they have spread extensively. Referring to a specific cell type often seen in SCLC, these cancers are sometimes called oat cell carcinomas.

NSCLC lung cancers are most common yan, covering approximately 80% of all cancers of the lungs. NSCLC has three main types are named based on the type of cells found in the tumor:

  • Adenocarcinomas are the most common type of NSCLC seen in America and covers up to 50% of NSCLC. Where adenocarcinomas are associated with smoking like other lung cancers, this type is especially observed also in non-smokers who develop lung cancer. Most adenocarcinomas arise in the outer areas or around the lungs. Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma is a subtype of adenocarcinoma that frequently develops at different places in the lungs and spreads along the walls of Alveo who have been there before.
  • Squamous cell carcinomas were formerly more common than adenocarcinomas; this time, they cover approximately 30% of NSCLC. Also known as epidermoid carcinomas, squamous cell cancers arise most frequently in the central chest in the bronchi fig.
  • Large cell carcinomas, sometimes referred to as carcinoma-carcinoma indistinguishable (undifferentiated carcinomas), type of NSCLC is the most common.
  • Mixtures (mixture) of the types of different NSCLC were also found.

Other types of cancers can arise in the lung; these types are much less common than NSCLC and SCLC and together cover only 5% -10% of cancer-lung cancer:

  • Bronchial carcinoids include up to 5% of cancer-lung cancer. These tumors are generally small (3-4 cm or less) when diagnosed and occur most commonly in people under the age of 40 years. Not associated with cigarette smoking, carcinoid tumors can spread, and a small portion of these tumors removing elements that mimic hormones. Carcinoids usually grow and spread more slowly than bronchogenic cancers, and many are detected early enough to agree on resection surgery.
  • Cancers of supporting lung tissue such as smooth muscle, blood vessels, or cells involved in the immune response can rarely occur in the lung.

As discussed previously, the cancers that spread (metastastatic cancers) from other primary tumors in the body are often found in the lungs. Tumors from anywhere in the body may spread to the lungs through one of the bloodstream or lymphatic system, or directly from nearby organs. Tumors spread (metastatic tumors) most many, scattered throughout the lung, and concentrated in areas surrounding organs rather than in the center.


The symptoms of lung cancer varies depending on where and how wide spread of the tumor. Warning signs of lung cancer are not always present or easy to identify. A person with lung cancer may have a variety of the following symptoms:

  • No symptoms: In up to 25% of people who get lung cancer, cancer is first discovered on a chest x-ray and CT scans on a regular basis as an isolated small mass sometimes called a coin lesions (coin lesion) . These patients with single masses often report no small symptoms of lung cancer at the time it was found.
  • Symptoms related to the cancer: cancer Pertumubuhan and assault (invasion) of lung tissues and surroundings may interfere with breathing-environment, leading to symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, wheezing (wheezing), chest pain, and coughing blood (hemoptysis). If the cancer has invaded nerves, for example, it may cause shoulder pain that moves down the outside of the arm (called Pancoast's syndrome) or paralysis of the cords leading to hoarseness suaru (hoarse). Attack the esophagus may lead to difficulty swallowing (dysphagia). If a large airway is obstructed, mengempisnya portion of the lung may occur and cause infections (abscesses, pneumonia) in the obstructed area.
  • Symptoms related to metastasis: Lung cancer that has spread to the bones may produce excruciating pain at the sites of bone involved. Cancer that has spread to the brain may cause a number of neurological symptoms that may include blurred vision, headaches, attacks (seizures), or symptoms of stroke such as weakness or numbness in parts of the body.
  • Paraneoplastic symptoms: Lung cancers are often accompanied by so-called paraneoplastic syndromes that result from the production of the elements that resemble hormones by the tumor cells. Paraneoplastic syndromes occur most commonly with SCLC but may be seen with any tumor type. A common paraneoplastic syndrome associated with SCLC is the production of a hormone called adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) by the cancer cells, leading to excessive secretion of cortisol by the adrenal glands (Cushing's syndrome). Paraneoplastic syndromes (paraneoplastic syndrome) is most often seen with NSCLC is the production of a substance similar to parathyroid hormone, resulting in calcium levels are increased in the blood stream.
  • Nonspecific symptoms: Nonspecific symptoms seen with many cancers, including lung cancer include weight loss, weakness, and fatigue. Psychological symptoms such as depression and mood changes are also common.

When to consultation on a doctor?

A person should consult with a health care provider if they develop symptoms associated with lung cancer, especially if they have:

  • a new persistent cough or worsening of an existing chronic cough,
  • blood in the sputum,
  • persistent bronchitis or respiratory infections repeatedly,
  • chest pain,
  • weight loss that can not be described and / or tiredness, and / or,
  • benapas difficulties such as shortness of breath or wheezing (wheezing).


Cessation of smoking is a step / action of the most important that can prevent lung cancer. Many products, such as nicotine gum, nicotine sprays, nicotine inhalers or inhaler, may be beneficial for people who are trying to quit smoking. Shrink exposure to passive smoking is also an effective preventative measure. Using a home radon test box can identify and allow correction of radon levels in homes increase, which also can cause lung cancers. Method-a method that allows the early detection of cancers, such as low-dose helical CT scans, may also be helpful in identifying small cancers that can be cured by surgical resection and prevention of widespread cancer and is incurable.

A recent study states that certain types of diets containing vitamin B can also help prevent lung cancer.

This study was conducted in France with funding from World Cancer Research Fund and the European Commission.

The study was based on the fact that vitamin B has set sisntesis gene function and maintain the integrity of the DNA in the cells of the body.

Any disruption in the function of a gene can invite carcinogenesis (cancer development process).

The study included 519 978 participants were asked to fill out a standard questionnaire with questions about their diet. Of this number, 385 747 participants provided blood samples.

Participants were divided into two groups: Case: people with lung cancer and control: who does not have cancer.

The researchers measured the content of B vitamins include vitamin B2, B6, B9, and B12, in a blood sample and a chemical called cotinine (an indicator of smoking intensity).

In the first group (cases) contained levels of vitamin B in the same blood between former smokers and never-smokers. But the level of vitamin B was lower in active smokers.

Blood smokers also have high levels of vitamins B6, B9 and B12 were lower than non-smokers.

From studies observed a decrease in lung cancer risk with increased levels of vitamin B6 and methionine in the blood.

The researchers concluded vitamin B6 and methionine may reduce the risk of lung cancer by about 50%.

Find out more about this post:

The Diagnosis Of Lung Cancer