
Friday, August 15, 2014

Benefits of Vitamin C Injections

To treat the body, beauty, so many methods available. Natural methods combined with modern methods already done a lot now. It used natural methods actually be able to make themselves beautiful unmet needs. As it is now that linger in kingdom work in Indonesia such as in Solo and Yogyakarta. However, natural methods to fruition a long felt need consistency and diligent. Now it is known the existence of injectable vitamin C that is able to treat the skin and provide its own beauty for women. In this article will discuss the benefits and functions of vitamin C injections further.

The Body Needs Vitamin C

Requirement of vitamin C in the body on a daily basis is about 75 mg to 90 mg daily. As for the injection of vitamin C can be 1 gram to 4 grams per shot. Depending on the intended use. Because vitamin C is a good antioxidant and can counteract free radicals that enter the body. If injections of vitamin C can be done once to twice a week. Because after more than 6 new injection of perceived benefits to the body or the intended destination.

Compared the effectiveness of Vitamin C injections Oral Consumption

Consumption of vitamin C much how. Either naturally eat fruit or vegetables. In supplement of vitamin C that has high doses. As well as with injections of vitamin C. But what is more effective? It turns out that vitamin C injections have the most good efficacy than those who consumed vitamin C are eaten by fruit, vegetables, and supplements. As described that vitamin C is eaten has to be a longer process to vitamin C is needed by the body. Intestinal absorption rate is different in each person. Therefore, injections of vitamin C is more effective because it is directly distributed to the blood vessels and leading to the cells that need vitamin C.

Benefits of Vitamin C Injection To Increase Immune

Immunity or immunity was essential. With proper nutrition makes the immune increased. Consumption of vitamin C was needed. Either oral or injection. Usually when the body's immunity decreases with the flu. When people catch cold, the previous consumption of vitamin C into the body rarely. Until the need to consume vitamin C. There are several factors that affect vitamin C injection is effective for improving the immune dose, physical, and needs. Because if consultation will dose, physical (presence of allergies or not), and needs (urgent or not) is not fulfilled, then the body will get the side effects of vitamin C injections.

Usefulness Injections of Vitamin C To Accelerate Healing Process

When the vitamin C requirement is not met, then the formation of collagen was disrupted cells is difficult to stick together. So that the incidence of some diseases such as canker sores, wounds difficult to heal, gingivitis, and so forth. So that the consumption of vitamin C will help the healing process in the body that is sick. Injection or injections of vitamin C, there are two ways, namely intravenous and intramuscular. However, for security intravenously injecting more commonly found in the community. For that healing can be optimized if the injection of vitamin C is given. In special circumstances (severe vitamin deficiency) of vitamin C injection is given by a doctor. So do not try it yourself to prevent over dosage.

Benefits of Vitamin C Injection For Skin Beauty

For skin care, injections of vitamin C is more effective than taking it orally. Especially with injections of vitamin C directly into the blood vessels and cells in the skin immediately receive the required vitamin C intake. Vitamin C is what causes the collagen in the skin is not easily damaged and terekat tightly. That way the skin cells to reduce wrinkles on the skin and the skin will be smooth. Collagen is not only on the skin only. But also the connective tissue such as bone, ligaments and bone.

Besides Benefits Vitamin C Injection Risk unisex

Certainly there are advantages there are also disadvantages. Injection of vitamin C also has the disadvantage that the risk experienced by a person after the injection of vitamin C. The risk is, can stimulate the formation of kidney stones, exacerbating the patient hematokromatosis, and exacerbate who have recurrent ulcer because vitamin C is acidic. If the injections done rapidly can cause fainting and dizziness. Therefore, the dose of vitamin C should not be arbitrary. If carelessly can cause the above risks. So its use should be by prescription (although there may be symptoms that can be triggered is not known, although wearing a doctor's prescription).

Avoid injection of vitamin C is for own use. Or diklinik though. Because we did not know until now that the price discriminate between injections of vitamin C. It is necessary prudence in the supply and use of injectable vitamin C. In most cases this injection makes a person addicted, premature menopause, and even death. So it might be wise to consult a doctor first and to use vitamin C injections.

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