
Wednesday, January 18, 2023

The Content Of Vitamins And Minerals In Nutmeg For Human Health

Fruit nutmeg is one type of herb and spice original from the Indonesian Moluccas archipelago (Abourashed and El- Alfy , 2016), with name Latin myristica fragrans is often used as a flavor enhancer and gives off a spicy aroma on food so that could give a little bit of warmth on the body for those who eat it. Ordinary cuisine  processed uses herbs and spices fruit nutmeg is Cook processed stews, goulash, and curry. Need is known that fruit nutmeg is rich nutrients and minerals in it namely vitamin A, Vitamin C, calcium, substances iron, potassium, magnesium, etc. The nutrients contained in fruit nutmeg own good properties for health. Benefits Among others:

1. Could overcoming insomnia ( difficult sleep ), insomnia is a situation where somebody experiences difficulty for sleep or level certainly not enough sleep. The resulting influence due to insomnia is fatigue and extraordinary physique normal, got resulted from depression and stress because increasing hormone cortisol or stress hormone as a consequence of not enough sleep. The existing magnesium content in fruit nutmeg role urgent in resolving tension nerves and role in stimulating the release of the hormone serotonin, a brain hormone that will change Becomes the role of the hormone melatonin to stimulate somebody for sleep so that could overcome insomnia. How:

• prepare 2 pieces of seed nutmeg then pounded or blend until fine Becomes powder 
• input powder nutmeg in a glass of warm water and stirred 
• shut up for 5 minutes 
• then filtered and could add honey sufficiently 
• then taken 3 hours before sleep 
• potion they made for 3 days in a row.

2. Efficacy next for a healthy brain, the brain is an organ located in the head that functions as a controller of all activity or functions body, brain disturb will influence the function of the organs human. By because that We must always guard the healthy brain and that is everything important, content several substances existing active in the fruit nutmeg macelignan and myristicin trusted could guard the healthy brain and function cognitively based on the results of study or research that contains substances the role of increased concentration. How :

• Prepare 1-2 seeds of fruit nutmeg , then pounded 
• blended until fine 
• Boiled with 1 liter of water up boiling 
• filtered and awaited until Becomes warm 
• Add honey sufficiently 
• Drink 1 time a day each day During the need it

3. Nutritious minerals can overcome bad breath or halitosis, bad breath is a condition where bad breath comes out of the mouth. The content of active substance in nutmeg acts as an antibacterial so it can be used as an ingredient to kill bacteria that cause odor. How :

• Prepare 1-2 seeds of fruit nutmeg then pounded or blend until fine 
• Boil with 1 liter of water until boiling 
• Then filtered and wait until warm 
• Use for gargling 2 times a day 

4. Efficacy next is could lower pressure blood tall or
hypertension in a manner natural is something condition where happening pressure blood good systolic or diastolic. Pressure blood tall also is wrong one-factor reason happening disease heart or originator stroke disease. So We must always notice pressure blood We with do control it in a manner clinical routine _ or at home in a manner independent. Content substance potassium in fruit nutmeg role in helping lower pressure blood tall with stretch vessels blood.

5. Efficacy next to fruit nutmeg is for healthy bones, bones are pa
rt main system framework that has function as a crutch body. Lots of things can conduct to guard the health of bone wrong only one with guard intake of calcium, then sunbathe below ray sun and do sport by routine and regularly. Content calcium in fruit nutmeg has a role in guarding healthy bone with increase density or density bone, so with the increasing density, we will spared from the risk caught osteoporosis or thinning bone.

This information is related to the benefits of nutmeg, which is a native Indonesian herb and spice that is rich in vitamins and minerals needed by the body. I hope it will be of use and can provide inspiration for readers to always be able to adopt a healthy life, especially related to the enjoyment of our food, so that we live a quality life. Best regards always.