SUNLIGHT MORNING THE HEALTHY. Morning and afternoon sun gives good benefits for health. For those whose activity is often in places closed, and there is no time for exposure to the sun. Take time approximately 5-10 minutes to bask in the sun, in order to obtain health benefits for your body.
Sunbathing to maintain health benefits agency
But basking in the morning or late afternoon promenade has great benefits especially in the supply of vitamin D in our bodies. By activity bask in the sun allows provitamin D under the skin can be changed easily into Vitamin D.
Vitamin D is produced from sun exposure can help the absorption of calcium is beneficial for bone density and strength of muscle movement. With adequate vitamin D that can maintain healthy bones and teeth. Besides Vitamin D also helped improve the respiratory system and boost the immune system.
Based on the findings of a scientist in Australia, recently known that exposure to sunlight can also protect the skin from DNA damage, in fact, the risk of DNA damage can be lowered to half.
The emergence of the effects of premature aging and dark spots on the face are a few examples of DNA damage to the skin. With the sun activity, allowing vitamin D is formed in the skin tissue and can prevent the effects arising from DNA damage.
Based on information from the Times of India, According to the results of another study also found that if the lack of exposure to light can reduce vitamin D substantially that of the body. If it happens to eat our body will be susceptible to disease. Dangerous diseases such as breast cancer, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, heart disease, depression is also associated with a deficiency of vitamin D.
The right time for sunbathing
The right time to sunbathe in order to get vitamin D is good for the body is when the morning or afternoon. At the time of sun exposure on the skin is not too overpowering. For the benefit of sunlight is only takes about 5-10 minutes. But when the rainy season, it is recommended to sunbathe much longer which is about 10-30 minutes every day. Meanwhile for those who have dark skin is recommended any longer, which is about 15-60 minutes each day.
Related Artice:
- Vitamin D - Nutrient
- About of Vitamin D
- Advantages as well as Features associated with Supplement D
- Supply of Meals That contains Supplement D
- Common Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms in Children and Adults