The latest news from the health world. Tomato soup that can contribute to cases of hypertension. This has been published in the journal of media nutrient metabolism and cardiovascular disease, the researchers Alexander Medina, from the Department of Nutrition and Bromatology Faculty of Pharmacy and Food and Nutrition Torribera UB Campus. He stated that hypertension is a common problem in society, affecting at least about 25% of world population and is the main factor leading cause of death in people in Europe and America. Then the new facts that have been published involving at least 4000 individuals were analyzed on a Mediterranean diet tend to be high-risk populations of developing cardiovascular disease as well as prevent the disease.
Fixing Diet and Improve Health
In the recommended consumption of tomato soup that contained tomatoes, cucumber, garlic, olive oil and others can reduce the pressure on the arteries. Alexander said that apparently tomato soup with content as it may reduce symptoms of hypertension in a person. According to Rosa M. Lamuela professor in charge of group research revealed that the consumption of salt in everyday circumstances that can cause an unstable arteries. Then in the tomato soup, some recipes abortion effect on arterial pressure in the body. However, a positive fact reveals that consuming tomato soup causes lower blood pressure than those not consuming tomato soup. On the grounds that the bioactive elements of tomato soup counteract the effect of salt into the body.
Vitamin C, polyphenols, and Carotene
If notice of tomato soup recipe, there are some content which is considered soups contain vitamin C, polyphenols, and carotenoids. According to Alexander that the tomato soup is very rich in vitamins C and polyphenols. It is very good in large quantities for healthy cardio system or your heart. With a sense, mix the tomato soup recipe is very important in its contribution to reducing the impact of stress on the vessel arterti caused by salt. Other researchers also checked using statistical techniques to determine the extent of consumption of tomato soup can reduce the risk of hypertension. According to Alexander Medina that in some patients, decrease hypertension using this tomato soup can be up to 27%.
This study was continued, with the hope that polyphenols can take an important role in the mechanism of action of reduced pressure in the arteries. Where the process is associated with an increase in nitric oxide is a molecule with vasodilating properties on the cardiovascular system. This is what will be the development of a very eagerly awaited in the science of cardiovascular disease and hypertension treatment. This has been reinforced by the ongoing research in the Department of Nutrition and Bromatology of UB, Food Technology Reference Clean Government of Catalonia (XARTA) and Nutrition and Food Safety Research Institute (INSA-UB). CIBER research group are also members of the network physiopathology Obesity and Nutrition (CIBERobn) and RETICS, from the Carlos III Institute of Health.
So what exactly are the benefits of vitamin C for the body? In addition to recent studies that have been discussed above, there are other benefits of vitamin C for a healthy body. Ie as the common cold reliever. Then keep the body's immune system. Then as a good enough antioxidants counteract free radicals. Treating cataracts, maintain healthy skin, to prevent the risk of cancer. In addition, associated with hypertension that vitamin C healthy cardiovascular system as well as maintaining healthy pregnancy for pregnant women. For that consume vitamin C, especially above the tomato soup recipe to keep your hypertension.