
Friday, July 11, 2014

5 Numbers That Can Predict Possibilities Heart Disease

Advances in technology are increasingly sophisticated and can be used to treat diseases that are difficult to overcome. However, in fact, the death rate from heart disease is still high. Even the WHO said that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world.

"30 percent of heart problems in men and 45 percent occur in women with no previous symptoms., But the study found 75 percent of heart patients could be identified with these 5 simple numbers," said Thomas Behrenbeck, MD, a heart disease expert from the Mayo Clinic in the conference press 'The 2nd Annual East Meets West Cardiology Symposium' at Ritz Carlton Hotel, Pacific Place

This simple figures in the U.S. are familiar with the term called 'Know Your Numbers' and consists of:

1. Figures blood pressure
Said to be high blood pressure if it is above 140/90. Globally, hypertension is divided into 2 stages. Stage 1 if the numbers above (systolic) over 140 but still below 160, but the bottom (diastolic) is over 90 but still above 100. If it exceeds 160/100 means already in stage 2.

Pemisahahn is done for consideration in choosing a drug. There is also the so-called prehypertension, systolic blood pressure that is if (top) has already reached 135. At this stage the patient has not needed medication, but it needs to modify lifestyle

2. Blood Sugar Levels
Measurement of blood sugar include several criteria. When normal blood sugar is less than 120 and a fasting blood sugar of less than 116. There is also a regulation to determine blood HbA1c 3 months, its range must be under 70. If it exceeds normal levels, the risk of developing diabetes and the risk of developing the disease eventually metabolites, including heart disease.

3. Cholesterol Levels

In the measurement of cholesterol, there are some things that need to be examined, namely total cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglsierida. The most important are the levels of LDL or bad cholesterol.

Ideally the number of LDL measurement below the 160 if there are no risk factors. If existing risk factors such as hypertension and had a habit of smoking, the figure should be below 130., But if it has ever had a heart attack, the number should be below 100.

4. Weight

Weight loss is calculated based on ideal body weight compared to height called the Body Mass Index (BMI). Asian people ideally have a BMI below 25. Besides BMI, can also be used waist size guide.

Waist circumference should men under 100cm and women under 90 cm. Pengukuranya calculated at a point located approximately 2 fingers below the navel.

5. Habits Sports

Exercise should be done every day for 30 minutes. If not could be done 3 times a week with each of 30 minutes duration. Chosen sport should exercise such as aerobic cardio. The more rarely exercise, the risk of heart disease will also be greater.

Tomatoes Effective To Reduce The Risk Of Heart Disease

Likes to eat tomatoes? Good news for you. For a recent study says that eating tomatoes can reduce the risk of heart disease by 26 percent.

According to researchers, the components of lycopene in tomatoes is an antioxidant and red giver is efficacious compounds that lower the risk of heart disease. The experts from Tufts University in Boston precisely delivered, eat foods rich in lycopene for years a powerful protective effect on the heart.
In the study, experts from Tufts University compared health records of hundreds of patients with heart disease program called the Framingham Offspring Study. During that time, the patient's diet, especially eating habits tomatoes, analyzed by researchers.

As a result, eating foods containing lycopene for 11 years on a regular basis can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by 26 percent. But there is no any impact to the risk of stroke.

"Indeed, this study linked the efficacy of lycopene and the risk of heart disease. Yet we need to do further research to determine whether other components in tomato also has efficacy in lowering the risk of heart disease," the researchers wrote in the British Journal of Nutrition, was quoted as saying by the Daily Mail (05/02).
Meanwhile, other studies have never proved that tomatoes are also effective against depression and reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men.

You also have to likes:   10 Benefits Of Tomatoes 

10 Benefits Of Tomato

Every day, you may always enjoy the food with ketchup. But try to eat fresh raw tomatoes, to get remarkable properties as reported by the Third Age the following:


The content of antioxidants in tomatoes is beta-carotene. In addition, tomatoes are also enriched with vitamins A and C. It all works together to fight the free radicals that enter the body.

Controlling Diabetes

Tomatoes contain many mineral called chromium, its function is to help people with diabetes to control their blood sugar levels within.

Effects Of Smoking

If you are a former smoker, do not be lazy to eat tomatoes. Because tomatoes contain chlorogenic acis and coumaric carcinogen-fighting agent that is caused by smoking.

Contrarian Cancer

A Study says that eating tomatoes can reduce the risk of stomach and colon cancer. Because in the tomatoes contain lycopene, a natural antioxidant that inhibits the grwoth of cancer cells.

Healthy Eyes

Because tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, eating a vegetable that is also able to nourish the eyes. Especially if you are having problems seeing at night. 

Healthy Hearth

Potassium and vitamin B are powerful nutrients that lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. You can get both of these nutrients by eating fresh tomatoes.

Brighten Skin

The effects of eating tomatoes is pretty brighten the skin. The trick, peeled tomatoes and use the skin as a face mask. Let stand for ten minutes before being rinsed off. Perform routine to get clean and shinning face.

Prevent Kidney Stones

Eating tomatoes without seeds are reportedly able to reduce the risk of kidney stones. So do not be lazy to eat vegetables round this one

Shiny Hair

In addition to skin care, hair can get remarkable properties of tomatoes. You simply aet tomatoes regularly as vitamin A in it will make the hair strong and shiny.

Strengthens Bones

Lastly, tomatoes are also rich in vitamin K and calcium that maintain bone strength. So in addition to taking supplements, also multiply the consumption of tomatoes so that bones stronger.

That's a range of remarkable properties of tomatoes. Enjoy this vegetable in the fresh from in order to obtain various properties!

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